07 January 2015

Going analog-free

First of all, I just want to point out that I have been smoking sticks for about six years now. I also started a monthly blog post about living with “Vape Lyfe”, yes that's a famous hashtag for vapers now. Check it out on Instagram if you don't believe me. My journey started about 6 months ago when I decided to end my vacation by purchasing a basic vape pen. It took me awhile to take the vape seriously because lets be completely honest here, it is HARD to quit! A habit is just, too hard to leave behind. My first attempt lasted about a whole week until friends came over for a barbeque that involved 2 packs of beer, food, & everyone being a smoker. Totally hard to resist.

Just a month ago, I decided to purchase 5-weeks supply of e-vape juice (12mg) & restocked my dual coal as well. I figured “Okay, so I have all these supplies that I spent under $100 for that should last me for 5 weeks. So why should I let them collect dust in the drawers & spend $40/weekly to sustain my 4-pack a week habit? Why waste my supplies?” That was what got me to start, the fact that I wasted money to purchase my vape supplies only to waste more money to purchase analogs.

I went with that thinking for the first week, then 2nd week, & it eventually became a habit that I do not regret! Basically, I want to share with you the benefits I experienced since I went analog-free.

  • I don't wake up feeling like a total crap anymore. No matter if I overslept or not enough.
  • My sense of taste has improved!
  • I can't stand the smell of analogs anymore (especially when the neighbors smokes like a chimney.)
  • I have more energy!
  • My thinking is no longer clouded (no pun intended haha.)
  • Better mood
  • I can breathe easily
  • No more annoying & unnecessary coughing
  • No smell seeping thru my windows & into the room
  • Fingers don't smell
  • No yellowish stain on my nails (trust me, I obsess over my nails.)
  • No bad breakouts all over my chin area
  • Teeth stain diminished

The list might be short now, but it is only my first month. If you think about it, this list is pretty long for just my first month of going analog-free. Can you imagine next month, 3rd, 4th, & a full 12 months of going smoke-free? I'm excited!

No research was involved into this post. These are my actual results since going analog-free.

Are you also trying to quit or have started your own journey to quitting? How is it going for you? Any ideas or benefits you have experienced from quitting?

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