02 March 2015

Quality > Quantity

I know I recently posted changes that will be made with this baby blog, but I have recently checked out apartments while on my vacation and it seems to be more fitting now to blog about what matters. I could have spent my three weeks in Las Vegas to party hard like last year, but this time around I realized that this blog should reflect my life journey.

Nothing much will change except I will remove the weekly post for “52 Reviews”. I love to review products and places, but I figured it is a waste of energy to fill up my blog with something that I am not completely passionate about or that it doesn't mix well with my life journey.

Here are the top FOUR I will continue to include in this blog. I want to share the journey and my growth.
  1. $30k Debt-free
  2. Vaping Updates
  3. Life Detox: De-cluttering life, doing what matters most, & learning the ways of a minimalist
  4. Fit Before 30

I wanted to follow the thumb rule of successful bloggers who post about everything and anything. It works so well for them that I thought I could tackle every categories. I want my readers to feel my struggle, the trial and errors, my success, and the growth. I want to put quality rather than quantity. I do not blog to reach “stardom”, I want to make a real connection with each of you :)



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