It's that time of the year again when the bucket and mop gets together for long hours of cleaning. Empty boxes for "Throw, Donate, Keep" label. I'll be honest here, I don't get why thoroughly cleaning your home should be determined by a season. I mean, shouldn't you always try and keep it clean anyway? Who am I to judge, I was just putting it out there ha-ha. Please don't hate me.
I'm afraid of spring because although my allergies happens whenever it feels like it, I hate spring the most. It always makes me want to shoot my nose off. I still do it anyway because I am a clean freak, so what the heck.
This year's spring cleaning will be a little different because it might just be the official LAST spring cleaning I will ever have in Hawaii. I'm starting to have doubts about it, but I think I just feel anxious. I'm also going to be honest that I have not made any "to clean" list this time as I usually do each year, but rather made categories and list of what I need to rid of and take. I'm starting the "Mover's Ready" list.
My spring cleaning involves: Sell, Keep, Donate, and Save bucket (Moving expenses such as first rent, tickets, pets, etc).
- 30% - 50% of clothes (Thru Threadflip app)
- 25% home goods (Summer garage sale?)
- Furnitures (Dresser, desk, tables thru Craigslist)
- DVDs (Thru Buy-and-sell book stores)
- Workout equipments (Thru Craigslist)
- iMac (Thru online?)
- Christmas goodies
- Unsold clothes
- Books
- Unsold home goods
- Clothes that still fits and of use
- Sentimental items
- Our Dog and Bunny (Obviously ha-ha)
- $1,500 (for Doggy & Bunny)
- $500 for plane tickers
- $500 for vet check-ups & neuter surgery
- $100 airline approved carriers
- $400 for first month expenses
- $2,000 (for The Move)
- Two one-way tickets
- Luggages fees
- $1,500 (for Move-in fees)
- Non-refundable fees
- Pet fees
- Bunch of first time renter b.s. really
- $2,000 (for transportation)
- Auto downpayment
- $10,000 (for 6-7 months expenses)
- Monthly rent
- Monthly expenses & current bills
This seems like a lot of money to save & things to do just to move and in just 3-4 months (due date), but as long as we focus and stay on track I think it is very doable. Give me the strength to avoid winter clearance, God. I beg of you ha-ha. This is the big reason why I started the Shopping Diet Challenges because I needed motivation.
Month breakdown :
- April - May
- Sell unwanted clothing
- Save Bucket # 1, #3, & #5
- June - August
- Sell and Donate everything
- Save Bucket #2 & #4
It's a pretty simple list, but when money is involved it surely is harder to follow. I think I will print this post out and stick it on my wall. I can feel a panic attack coming through just reading the Save Bucket category. But I am a Virgo and this is what we do! Make a long list, panic, look at the list again, panic some more, give up, and eventually get it done anyway.
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