10 May 2011

Furry Babies: Happy Bunny

This is not the most prettiest photo but this is when my baby bunny is most happiest, in his kennel, that position, and knocked out cold haha. His daily routine is pretty much ring his bell when he's fussy and hungry in the morning, eat, do his business, sleep again or until I let him out for his exercise. Bunnies are easy to care for and not much of a high rocket with the vet bills but you still need to keep them happy and healthy which adds up.

This particular bunny is only 4 months and is a pure bred Holland Lop which means he will not get any bigger than 3 lbs and it shouldn't. Certain breed of rabbits have certain healthy weight just like any other pets and even humans.

How to keep bunny happy in kennel:

  • They have fur everywhere even under their paws so a slipper floor won't be such a good idea. Buy a cheap rug or carpet scrap and place a perfect fit in the kennel (you might want to use double sided tape underneath as they will dig and lift up the rug.)

  • Place a corner litter pan about twice the size of the bunny. Layer with wood chip beddings to absorb pee and helps with their stinky urine (it's like cats.)

  • Fresh water must ALWAYS be available, try buying the biggest plastic bottle you can find for bunnies.

  • Unlimited TIMOTHY hay. NOT alfalfa! This helps their digestive system and prevent them from getting hairballs (they do clean themselves and again, like cats.)

  • To maintain their healthy weight, if you have a bunny like mine, 1/2 of pellets a day and after 6 months, 1 cup a day should be your limit. Try using Science diet for young rabbits found in Petco. Other bunny type, check the labels on each food bag.

  • Unlimited chew toys, their teeth grow constantly and with nothing to chew on, they will check anything wood in their path and will grow aggressive because it brings them pain if teeth are not shaped.

  • Bunnies love toys as well, mines love bells. You can hang those bird toys with the bells and wood in their cage ( I somehow regret since my learned that if he keeps ringing it, I will come with his food.)

  • Young bunnies shouldn't have fruits until they are at least 6 months old but you can give 2 baby carrots a day as their snack. I think it's so cute when mines eat his carrots, I always think of the stereotype bunnies ALWAYS eat carrots. Previous bunnies I owned HATED carrots haha.
    Once they are 6 months and up, they can have 1 cup of vegetables and fruits A DAY!
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