16 March 2015

Shopping Diet Challenges

I know I'm not the first one to say that I have a shopping addiction. It does not matter if it's a shirt on sale, a shoe on clearance that will not be made anymore, or that "I always need bobby pins" from Walmart. Bottom line, I have a problem that's not diagnose by professionals except my boyfriend who constantly ask "So what did your eyes see online today?"

This year, we are working together towards two goals: Move into a new place and to erase a total of $8,500 of student loan (that pays off one and partial of the other one.) I am responsible of budgeting and balancing our finances. He works long months so the least I can do is control my shopping….. err addiction. Yes, I called it an addiction because sometimes I just really have a hard time putting down the credit cards or walking away from a great sale or clearance item at TJMaxx.

I have been meaning to do this for almost a year now, but my vacation last year side tracked my mind (great excuse, eh) and decided to neglect that potential goal.

This seems simple enough but budgeting really is harder than it seems. It's all about self control and I know that's something that seems to be hard for people with shopping addiction -_-.

Starting today March 16, 2015, there will be no binge shopping. Here are the list of what I can and cannot shop for:

#1 Challenge: March - June 2015

  • Groceries (homemade dog food, basic groceries etc)
  • Pet necessities (medicines, rabbit food, grooming)
  • Vape (coil, e-juice)
  • Hygiene (toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc)
  • Accessories (bags, jewelry, shoes, hats)
  • Miscellaneous (nail polish, eBay)
  • Household goods (decorations, bedsheets, kitchenware)
  • Electronic goods
  • Entertainment (DVDs, e-books, iTunes movies)
  • Beauty products (trying out new products just because)
  • Clothes (online shopping mainly when I am bored)
***EDIT: April 9, 2015:
Obviously I had to redo this shopping diet post because I have gotten into reading books lately, and I discovered Kindle and iBook. I also had to restock on my holy grail of nail strengthener and new gym clothes. So you see, I'm all over the place.

I did however kept my cool as far as buying new clothes and home goods, etc. I stuck to the original Do's and Don'ts about 70%. Instead of doing a list for each challenge, I will set a month budget. Any left over from the monthly budget will be automatically added into savings account.

April has just started and I have not spent on anything, not even groceries so we can pick up from there. Here are the NEW challenge rules.***


  1. $500 monthly budget
  2. Spend ONLY on - 
    • Grocery = 60%
    • Misc = 40%
      • Vape
      • Workout needs
      • Restock supplies i.e. toothpaste, shampoos, etc.
      • Books
      • Lunch dates with my mama (Yes, this is a must and a new goal)

What I hope to accomplish with this Shopping Diet Challenge?
My boyfriend and I want to finally make a fresh start by moving to a new city. We want to welcome our future being debt and clutter free as well as having better control over our finances. It's a journey we hope to turn into a habit :)



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