10 May 2011

Furry Babies: Clean rabbit litter pan means..

Some websites or vet will tell you that you should clean a rabbit pan at least once a week but really? I think it is very disgusting having to wait for a week, imagine how the bunny might feel having to sleep next to a nasty pan, right? I like to clean my rabbit pan every 2 days to avoid flies swarming, avoiding any urine smell and attacking it before it starts, fresh hay on top for mister Elias, and a better fresh air for him and everyone else that likes to pet him.

  • Throw everything away at least every 2 days.

  • Wash down litter pan and it doesn't hurt to clean it with dish soap that kills bacteria; of course you need to use a separate sponge from your dishes. Let it air dry.

  • Use old paper such as newspapers but I personally like using old magazine paper because they are glossy and as long as I clean within the 2 days, it won't stick much to the pan making it easier to clean. Once pan is dry, place layers of paper at the bottom of the pan.

  • Layer up to 2-3 inches of litter pan bedding, I like to use the wood chips Cedar bedding. It smells good and for a big bad at Petco with your petco card, it's pretty cheap and last long.

  • Top it off with timothy hay, place in a corner.

    Repeat these steps every 2-3 days to avoid funky smells and flies surrounding your pet. This also helps absorb urine and when bunny uses pan, he don't come out with wet and yellow feet. Everything used to layer up the pan is very biodegradable and is a good bonus to use for your garden. Saves money, planet, and a very happy bunny.
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